Key | Action |
K or space | Play / Pause |
M | Mute / Unmute |
C | Select next subtitles |
A | Select next audio track |
V | Show slide in full page or toggle automatic source change |
left arrow | Seek 5s backward |
right arrow | Seek 5s forward |
shift + left arrow or J | Seek 10s backward |
shift + right arrow or L | Seek 10s forward |
control + left arrow | Seek 60s backward |
control + right arrow | Seek 60s forward |
shift + down arrow | Decrease volume |
shift + up arrow | Increase volume |
shift + comma | Decrease playback rate |
shift + dot or shift + semicolon | Increase playback rate |
end | Seek to end |
beginning | Seek to beginning |
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HLS video streamtutoriel sur l'utilisation d'un diagramme de phase et en particulier comment déterminer la composition et proportion des phases d'un mélange
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